照慣例,Ubuntu 於今年4/21 (預計) 釋出第24個版本,也是兩年釋出一次的LTS長期支援版本:16.04 "Xenial Xerus" 了!
Ubuntu Release Party 又來啦~
究竟,你可以在 Ubuntu Release Party 上做些什麼呢?
- 經驗分享
- 學習 Ubuntu 使用技巧
- 帶著你的電腦來安裝 Ubuntu
- 抓人幫你解決 Ubuntu 上的問題
- 認識新朋友
- A Ubuntu 相關紀念品
- 拼業績,打廣告
- 吃吃喝喝
- 族繁不及備
趕快跟我締結契約,成為魔法少女動手填寫資料,報名 Ubuntu 16.04 Release Party @ Taipei 吧~
P.S. 誠徵願意來分享主題、使用心得的朋友~意者請與RJ聯絡喔~
- 地 點:摩茲工寮 100 台北市中正區八德路一段 94 號 3 樓 (請由此樓梯上樓即可)
- 時 間:2016/5/7 14:00~17:00
- 人數上限:30人
- 費 用:每人酌收 NT$50 參加費 ,於入場時收取。
- 附 註:
- 建議攜帶筆電來參加 Party ,但可能需自備延長線。
- 場地屆時不確定能否提供無線網路,有需要的朋友請自行準備解決方案。
- 為了方便統計人數,希望大家都能提早報名
- 若地點與時間上面有所更動,我們會隨時以 e-mail 通知
Hey Guys!
Time flies, and Ubuntu 16.04 "Xenial Xerus", the 24th release that released every April and October, and a Long-Term-Support (LTS) release that released every 2 years, will released at April 21st!
......That's mean:
It's time to have an Ubuntu Release Party!
So, what is Ubuntu Release Party?
Well, as title, Ubuntu Release Party (URP) is an event to celebrate about the newest version of Ubuntu released.
In Taiwan, it's a good chance to meet ubuntu lover and ubuntu *hater*, and URP is also a good excuse to have a delicious dinner with friends.
So, in URP, you can:
- Share your experience
- Learn the Ubuntu tips.
- Bring your PC/leptop and install Ubuntu.
- Get new friends.
- Get some special Ubuntu goods.
Report bugs to canonical employees by face-to-face.Introduce your favorite non-Ubuntu Linux distribution.Have a battle between Linux distributuion, Mac, Windows, or other Unix-like OS.- etc.
So, if you intrest on URP, just JOINT US!
Feel relax even you cannot speak Chinese.
- Location:
Mozilla Community Space Taipei
3rd Fl., No. 94, Sec. 1, Ba-de Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City
(here's the entrance) - Date & time:
May 7th 2016, 14:00~17:00 UTC+8 - Fee:
NT$50 per person, pay on the spot.